Wednesday 4 September 2013

Belated Friendship Day

As adults,we hardly get enough time to spend with our friends with our busy lifestyle. So busy, that I didn't even get to spend Friendship Day with my besties even though one of them was in town.
Back in the school days, every year Friendship Day was around the corner, I remember going shopping to buy a 'friendship band' for each one of my friends .It all seems a little cheesy now or must I say, we are getting too old for all that. Now,my idea of Friendship Day is to have a relaxing day at a nice restaurant sharing a yummy lunch with my bestie, and that was just what we did.
My friend Victoria and I decided to try out this nice restaurant in town called "cafe shillong".
We met up after a long break of almost two weeks. So excited were we, that I forgot to take pictures of the restaurant other than ourselves posing... and also were so hungry that i missed out taking pictures of the food too!
One thing I do remember though,was the service. The staff were incredibly considerate and very attentive to our needs. So I must thank them for making our belated Friendship Day an enjoyable one! Here are a few pictures we did take..



  1. As adults we dont really get tom to celebrate these occasions.. So good that i and ur friend took time out and met..
    Nice pics..
    Dont forget to enter my giveaway.
    Keep in touch,

  2. Happy friendship day to you!
    Great friendship usually lasts a lifetime!~

  3. Oh this is so wonderful! I love that you celebrate friendship day, how great.

  4. Aw you're both so beautiful! Lovely pictures :) We have just started following your blog and love it! Maybe you would like to check us out and follow back?

  5. Hello sweety! Since i was away from blogging couldn't reply you soon! Thanks for stopping by and I heartly appreciate it! This is such an amazing post pretty girls! Lovely celebration indeed (: Stop by me soon! xx

    With love ❤.


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